Thoughts For Thursday

About Thoughts for Thurday

Thoughts for Thursday is where it all began. A personal collection of the editors curated thoughts, ideas, bit of wisdom, scribbles, inspiration and a way to get all the before mentioned out of her head and onto paper (without writing a book)

Open Your Eyes

Our God is the most amazing artist. It reminds me that some will always find fault in everything and in everyone. Seeing the positive in situations is hard for some. Gratitude is much more than a fleeting “thank you.” It’s a deep appreciation within yourself for the...

Worthy of God’s Best

It is clear that God wants us to live intentionally. He desires us to make wise choices that benefit our well-being and help us remain close to Him. We simply can’t do that if we don’t love ourselves. If we don’t grasp and appreciate our value, we won’t treat...

It’s Okay

If you’re feeling a little lost, it’s okay. If your ambitions, dreams, desires, wants, and needs have changed, it’s okay. It’s been two years of a pandemic. It’s okay if it has changed you. It’s okay if you’re meeting yourself for the first time, or again. It’s okay...

Recovered Runner

I’m a recovered runner. And I’m not talking about the athletic kind. I mean the kind that when things got tough, I ran. When relationships hit a rough patch, I ran. When there was drama, I ran. When there was confrontation, I ran. I ran from feelings, emotions, and...


I wish that I could tell you that you won’t go through hard times. I wish that I could protect you from hurt. I wish that I could tell you that bad things will never happen to you. But I can’t. What I can tell you is that God has it under control. He does truly have...

Snakes are Evil

I used to spend summers with my grandparents. One week out of the summer I would attend vacation bible school for a few hours and then spend the rest of the day riding my bike down country roads or lazy afternoons on the front porch breaking beans with my Mamaw. One...

You are Enough

Have you ever been told you’re not good enough? You’re not pretty enough? You’re not loved? You’re not worthy? You’ll never make it on your own? You’re not skinny enough? The list could go on and on. Words are damaging. Just because no physical harm is done, it’s...

Go Placidly

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have...

Get Busy Living

I'm a really good listener.I try to be fair, non judgmental, intuitive, and give the best advice I can offer. I love that people look to me for advice. It is the highest form of flattery and friendship. I have friends that are 20 , 30, 40, and higher. No matter the...


Thankful… Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. For our family, it’s a day to gather together and take stock of our blessings. Like all of you, during the roller coaster ride of life, our family has experienced times of great joy and moments of deep sadness, but there...