Have you ever been told you’re not good enough? You’re not pretty enough? You’re not loved? You’re not worthy? You’ll never make it on your own? You’re not skinny enough? The list could go on and on. Words are damaging. Just because no physical harm is done, it’s still damaging. It still hurts. It’s like telling a woman who is verbally abused that it’s okay because there’s no physical harm.You will see quotes all the time about being “enough”. I am here to tell you that “enough” isn’t enough. You are MORE than enough. As women, we tend to suffer the most from being shamed. It doesn’t matter if you are a small child, a middle schooler, a high school student, a young woman or a woman of middle age. Bullying is not okay. Shaming is not okay. Just know that you’re going to be okay. God has you. God created you. To belittle another human being is a mockery of God. Because he made you in his likeness. Be strong. Have faith. Give it to God. He will always protect you and wipe your tears. I’m currently in a women’s bible study where we are challenged to journal our thoughts. I encourage you to make a list of your best attributes. Here’s mine:
I am MORE than enough
I am strong
I am kind
I am intelligent
I am humble
I am worthy
I am beautiful
I am a great mother
I am a wonderful friend
I am talented
I am happy
I am at peace
I am brave
I am a great listener
I am gifted
I am positive
I am capable
I am confident
I am optimistic
I am grateful
I am grace
I am blessed
I am observant
I am cheerful
I am calm
I am thoughtful
I am NOT broken
If you know someone that is struggling, reach out to them. Kind words make a difference in someones life.