Thoughts For Thursday

About Thoughts for Thurday

Thoughts for Thursday is where it all began. A personal collection of the editors curated thoughts, ideas, bit of wisdom, scribbles, inspiration and a way to get all the before mentioned out of her head and onto paper (without writing a book)

Coming Into Alignment

Can we talk about navigating our way through life? I live on the Tennessee River and I am completely smitten with barges. Seeing a new barge cruise by never gets old. I have often joked that in my next life I am coming back as a barge captain. I mean who wouldn’t want...

No Half-Energy Accepted Here

Thoughts for Thursday- In a world where distractions are plentiful and options are a click away, it's crucial to establish a high personal standard. I beg of you, do not accept half-energy from anyone. Whether it’s friendships or personal relationships, don’t do it....

The World is Your Oyster

The World is your oyster. My girlfriend bought me this jewelry holder for my birthday. Ironic that it comes from the store Grit & Grace. That pretty much sums up her life story and mine. As I begin my 56th year around the sun I am more dialed in than ever on just...

Accept Without Judgement

I know I know. It’s almost April and this is my first Thoughts for Thursday of the year. I’ve been a little busy being busy. And that’s no excuse. Sometimes I just don’t have a lot to say, and that’s kind of the topic of this post. It's okay to be silent when we need...

Become What You Want to Attract

In the realm of relationships, careers, and personal growth, the age-old adage "like attracts like" holds a profound truth. It's not just about wishful thinking or hoping for the best; it's about actively embodying the qualities and characteristics that you wish to...

The Art of Pivoting

Thoughts for Thursday: In the grand symphony of life, the melody rarely plays according to the original score. Instead, it often orchestrates unexpected twists and turns, challenging us to adapt, grow, and pivot. Pivoting, in its essence, is about gracefully shifting...

Lessoned Learned

The last Thoughts for Thursday of 2023: This year has been a whirlwind to say the least. It seems each year passes quicker than the one before. We were always told that by our elders when we were younger, but I don’t think it really sank in until we became elders. I...

Take Out the Noise

Thoughts for Thursday : Take Out the Noise Odds were pretty much in your favor that you would get a Thoughts for Thursday this week, because I have been alone with my thoughts for a week now. The beach is where I come to clear my head, decompress, gather my thoughts,...


Thoughts for Thursday: 1.Healing is not a one-time event, but a continuous process of becoming. Healing is not something that happens overnight, or after a certain amount of time, or after a certain amount of therapy. Healing is a lifelong journey of discovering who...