Sometimes Thursday Thoughts come on other days… We live in an on demand world. In an online society. So much so that we have been disconnected from reality with unlimited “choices “. You can shop for anything online. Even relationships. I’m not sure we even recognize...


Thoughts for Thursday: I have often been told that people admire my ability to be authentic. Authentic is a very kind word for “different” I think I know that I’m different. I know that I’m complicated. I like to think that I’m complicated in a good way. I can say...

An Emotionally Gifted Woman

An emotionally gifted woman rarely considers the idea that her giftedness may be the very thing holding her back in relationships. She is a lot. She is a lot of goodness. A lot of passion. A lot of wisdom. A lot of grace. A lot of thought processes. And that terrifies...


How do we find closure? Closure from an ended relationship. Closure from something that no longer serves you. Closure from a toxic friendship or the loss of a job. Whatever the situation, we all find ourselves needing closure from time to time. I wish I had the magic...

Let Them

“ Let Them” Just Let them. If they want to choose something or someone over you, LET THEM. If they want to go weeks without talking to you, LET THEM. If they are okay with never seeing you, LET THEM. If they are okay with always putting themselves first, LET THEM. If...

Cancel Culture

I cannot with this “Cancel Culture.” When did we as a society become so hateful and bitter? We all have our own beliefs. Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t mean you have to take action. No one is forcing their opinions on you. Someone can hand you...