I’m so thankful that God writes the story of my life, because He has written it much more beautifully than I ever could have. I know He’s not done with me yet. I’m still a work in progress. I’m still growing and evolving. I’m also still making mistakes and bad choices along the way that I have to ask forgiveness for. The most beautiful pieces of my story are the redemptive ones, because the light can shine through those broken places. And those broken places are many. The pieces are made up of tiny little shards of matter as well as giant masses of heavy debris. I’ve risen from the ashes more times than I can count. And countless times he has turned my brokenness into something beautiful.
Sometimes we take the pen out of God’s hands and start trying to write our own story. This NEVER works. Gods plan, Gods will. ALWAYS.
Can I just encourage you to give the Master Writer the pen and allow Him to craft your story? He’s weaving things into your story now that are chapters ahead. We can’t see them, but just like in the book of Esther, He is weaving your life and placing you in the right place at the right time to fulfill your purpose and complete that chapter of your story so you can turn the page for the next one. Be grateful for doors that were closed. Be grateful that things didn’t turn out the way you had planned. Be grateful when God delivers something a million times greater than what you had. The hardest part about being a Christian is surrendering your circumstances and your future and trusting in Gods plan for you. I promise you that his will is far better than what you had envisioned anyway and far better than what you thought you deserved. I am a witness to his goodness.
Don’t be afraid to let others hear your story as well, because God can use our story to encourage others. I’m the poster child of “do as I say, not as I do”. If you’re wondering today whether God still has a plan for you, then I want you to know that YES!! YES, He does!! He’s not done writing your story!!! I can’t tell you not to lose hope. Because there are times you’re gonna feel like dying and things will look hopeless. That’s what Satan wants. That’s what the enemy wants. They want to see you fall apart. They want to see you suffer. Because it makes them feel better about themselves. You’re not like them. You will rise and you will prosper, because you don’t give up. You never stopped believing in goodness and kindness and grace. Chin up buttercup, your story is getting better everyday. And it’s going to be a best seller. Breathe…and have faith.