Let’s talk about perspective.
Are you feeling anxious? Sad? Overwhelmed? Lost? Empty? Lonely? If so, you have every right to feel that way. You have every right to express that. I am reminded every day just how lucky I am in every aspect of my life. I woke up today. I have a job today. I have friends that love me. I have a roof over my head and it’s paid for. I have my health. I have reliable transportation. My children are healthy. The list is endless.
I didn’t wake up to the reality that my house burned to the ground. I didn’t wake up with metastatic breast cancer. I didn’t wake up with liver disease. I didn’t wake up with lung cancer. I didn’t wake up to an abusive spouse. I didn’t wake up in a toxic relationship. I didn’t wake up to a loved one struggling with substance abuse.
When I find myself looking for a pity party for whatever reason, I have to stop and reflect. I have to change my perspective. Instead of going down the rabbit hole of why me, I write down all the reasons that I have to be thankful for. If you know me at all, you know that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Every day should be Thanksgiving. These photos represent the highest of high and the lowest of low. These spectacular shoes represent beauty, love, adornment, and celebration. They still represent that. Have you ever heard the phrase “beauty in the ashes”? These shoes represent that. They may be worn, melted, and charred – but the beauty is in the memories and what they represented. Which was the happiest day of someone’s life.
Are you struggling to see the light?
Change your perspective-