It takes great courage to remain silent.
It takes great courage not to reply when you’re being antagonized.
It takes great courage to have your personal life exposed.
It takes great courage to leave those things on your social media for the world to see.
It takes great courage to be insulted.
It takes great courage to be called names.
It takes great courage to be vulnerable.
It takes great courage to have your faith and character questioned.
It takes great courage to be publicly humiliated.
It takes great courage to have your children contacted and there’s nothing you can do to protect them.
It takes great courage to watch your friends being bullied and called names.
It takes great courage to watch your loved ones being slandered.
It takes great courage to have patience while the truth exposes itself.
It is easy to vent.
It is easy to say unkind words.
It is easy to spread gossip.
It is easy to express hate.
It is easy to hurt another human being.
It is easy to become overwhelmed and lash out.
It is easy to become overwhelmed with emotion.
It is easy to retaliate.
It is easy to hurt.
Protecting the one’s you love does not make you a coward.
Silence is the best answer to unwanted drama.
A rock solid self esteem and faith in God will get you through anything.
People heal in time. Everyone deals with it in their own way. Have patience with them.
Keep praying for them even when it’s hard.
Hold your head high knowing that you’ve done nothing wrong.
And know that only God has the answers.
Time heals all things. And this too shall pass….