A few weeks ago, we were given the Myers Briggs Personality Test at work. I had taken it years ago. My results really haven’t changed much over the years. Fast fact about me that even my closest friends and family don’t know…. I have a Master’s in Clinical Psychology. Who knew right? There were several reasons that I didn’t choose that career path. I always knew that I thought differently than most. According to my latest test results, only 5% of the female population thinks like me. Crazy right? When I was younger, I didn’t think that I would make a very good therapist. Why? Because I couldn’t relate to people enough to understand what made them feel the way they did. I couldn’t empathize with them because I didn’t understand why they were so upset. I didn’t understand anxiety. I didn’t understand low self- esteem. I didn’t understand why people were so opinionated. Truth is, several years later, I still don’t understand why people react the way they do. Because very little bothers me. But with age comes wisdom and patience. I may not understand extreme reactions to politics or abrasive personalities, or why people feel the need to express an opinion about absolutely everything. I don’t understand why some people have to always be right, always be in control, and be so hurtful and rude with their comments. But what I have improved upon is empathy. I may not understand why you do the things you do, but I respect you. I respect your opinion. I don’t have to agree with your opinion. And I most certainly don’t have to debate with you. Isn’t that what a therapist does? Listen without judgement? Perhaps I might have made a good therapist after all. Just in case you think you might be an INFP like me, here are some of the personality traits.
INFP: 64% Introvert 71% Intuitive 71% Feeling 90% Perceiving
- Thoughtful
- Generous
- Open Minded
- Non-Critical of Others
- Creative
- Passionate
- Loyal
- Avoids Conflict
- Keeps Their Opinions to Themselves
- Doesn’t Have a Desire to Always Be Right
- Quiet
- Passive
- Easy Going
- Excellent Listeners
- Seeks Peace in Every Aspect of Life
- Reserved
- Private
- Dreamers
- Idealists
- Compassionate
- Most Social of all Introverts
- Keep Their Circles Small
- Need Alone Time to Recharge
- Large Social Events are Exhausting
- Avoids Drama or Conflict
- Peacemaker or Mediator
- Seeks a Career that is Fulfilling
- Hate Being in the Spotlight
- Sensitive to Art, Beauty and Music
- Puts Others Before Themselves
- Detests Politics or Political Opinions
- Female INFP’s are Rare. They Only Make Up 5% of the Population
- They Seek Inspiration
- Are Deeply in Touch with Their Values
- They Value A Simple Life Over Material Things
- Excel at Writing, Photography and Creative Processes
- Have the Ability to Inspire Others
- Future Driven as Opposed to Living in the Past
- Feels No Pressure to Conform
- Flexible and Accommodating
- Able to See and Accept All Points of View Without Judgement or Weighing in
- They Focus on the Big Picture
- Not interested in the Details
- Spontaneous and Ready for Adventure
- Believe Change is GOOD