An emotionally gifted woman rarely considers the idea that her giftedness may be the very thing holding her back in relationships. She is a lot. She is a lot of goodness. A lot of passion. A lot of wisdom. A lot of grace. A lot of thought processes. And that terrifies emotionally unavailable people.
Her whole life, she has had a feeling inside her that she is meant to be more. To have more. To expect more. And she demands more.
A feeling she is meant to do something big. Something great. Something important.
Her big brain rides to the rescue with new great ideas and planning processes.
Except that this time, all the new ideas that started to pile up around her as unfinished projects, discarded debris of unfinished dreams that deeply demoralized and overwhelmed her spirit, this time she is going to neatly organize them and not accept defeat. She is doing this damn thing!
Her spirit has been speaking more loudly to her.
She is here to make some big things happen and there is no more time to screw around with whatever this recent experience of being held back is about.
No more time or patience for the way in which she starts but doesn’t complete the most important things. No more time for things or people that don’t encourage her, cheer for her, support her, or even recognize that she has big dreams.
Her spirit understands that she chose certain circumstances for herself for this life. That big brain of hers was one of these.
She has perhaps told herself that the gift of that brain was to help her survive certain childhood or early adulthood challenges. It likely helped her overcome many challenges. And it did.
But that was not the whole reason for it. All of those things changed her. Molded her. Prepared her to speak from authority.
She reinvents herself over and over throughout her life as she moves up and across corporate ladders easily or happily engages in serial entrepreneurship without fear or explodes across various domains as a professional creative talent.
She is designed to bring BEAUTY and LIGHT and massive change for GOOD.
She craves peace. She craves fulfillment. She is ready to give back what has been gifted to her.
There is no more time to waste in making that happen.
She needs to expand her awareness and her skillfulness for this NOW.
Big things are coming. Big changes are coming.
She… is ME.