Some chapters of our lives are best kept to ourselves. Some parts of our lives are best kept concealed. Some past memories are best kept confidential. And some aspects of our being are more personal to us. And while we may choose to be open and authentic about who we are, others are not entitled to know everything about us. We all face different periods of life. The rollercoaster ride of life brings with it a variety of experiences Influencing our relationships, goals, dreams, plans and decisions. Sometimes we feel eager to share the most beautiful and brilliant moments of our lives with others. However, when we open up our lives to the world, we open ourselves up to all sorts of people. Not everyone will support us. And that’s ok. And thus, some things are best kept to ourselves. There is something beautiful to be found in mystery. There is something elegant to be found in secrecy. And there is something classy to be found in privacy. And while it is important to have the freedom and opportunity to share our thoughts openly, deeply and thoughtfully with those around us, and this may benefit both them and us in differing ways and at differing times, there is something beautifully special and profoundly calming to be found in having our own space. Our own secret parts of ourselves that remain only for us and not allowing everyone into this space. Only a close, select few whom we trust. And in an age where many of us feel expected to share our lives online, it can be empowering, reassuring and uplifting to know that we have the freedom and opportunity to choose which parts of selves, lives and identities we desire to share, while also choosing which parts remain simply for us. Know that you can be an open book, while choosing not to share certain aspects of your life story. You can be clear about your goals and intentions while moving in silence and allowing your life and results to speak for themselves.

As believers, we are put in a position to influence those around us. The power of our words can be used to build up or tear down. Ecclesiastes 3:7 tells us that there is a time to keep silent and a time to speak. But when? How?

To discern the difference between knowing when to speak or be silent, we need to humbly seek the Lord through prayer, immerse ourselves in Scripture, and ask for his wisdom and discernment. Ultimately, refraining from speaking in certain situations means we are practicing self-control. Maintaining our composure. We are to seek wisdom in controlling our tongue, for when we control it, we are ultimately walking by the Spirit. And we know that self-control, a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), is a discipline that is blessed.