Sometimes Thursday Thoughts come on other days…
We live in an on demand world. In an online society. So much so that we have been disconnected from reality with unlimited “choices “. You can shop for anything online. Even relationships. I’m not sure we even recognize what’s standing right in front of us anymore because “what’s out there” is so tempting and unknown. FOMO is real. You’ve heard the phrase “ they think the grass is greener somewhere else”. I may ruffle a few feathers, but I’m gonna say that’s very true in most cases. The grass is always greener somewhere else if you’re standing in the dirt. Until you learn to live in your own dirt and have the desire to cultivate healthy practices and fertilize your own grass, you’ll always envy someone else’s grass. The lesson is in the roots. Moral of the story.. don’t go tracking your weeds into someone else’s healthy, well manicured, fertilized garden. They have worked way to hard to get where they are and they don’t deserve your weakness or carelessness and inability to nurture their garden.